Wisconsin Trick-Or-Treaters Found Meth In Their Bag
Sickening! Parents, here is another reason to check your child's trick or treat bag before you let them eat their candy.
When I was growing up, my mom and dad always insisted that, no matter how tempted we were, we were not to eat anything out our candy bag until we got home, when mom and dad inspected our goodies.
Parents are advised to enforce this rule to their kids after what happened to a trick-or-treater in Wisconsin.
In Menominee, Wisconsin, police received a complaint of a suspicious package found in a child's bag of Halloween candy. It was a small yellow Ziploc type baggie that contained crystalline powder. Police determined the powder was methamphetamine a.k.a (Meth). The bag found was the size of a quarter.
Menominee is located near the Keshena area on the Menominee Indian Reservation.
Police urge all parents to inspect the Halloween collected by their children and if you find anything unusual, call the police.