Why American Flags Are At Half Staff In Illinois
Here's the reason what the American flag is still flying at half staff in Illinois.
I remember as a kid learning a lot about American history in school. I might not have appreciated it back then but now I'm very happy I got the opportunity. Luckily, when I was growing up, my family traveled quite a bit. My father was a huge history buff so we hit a lot of those types of places. It taught me a lot of extra stuff.
Unfortunately, I don't think the kids today get that same kind of education. School districts are more concerned about test scores. They don't focus on things like history anymore. Even though, it's very important.
Do they understand the meaning of our country's flag? For example, what does it mean when it flies at half staff.
According to usa.gov,
"The United States flag flies at half-staff (or half-mast) when the nation or a state is in mourning. The president, through a presidential proclamation, a state governor, or the mayor of the District of Columbia can order flags to fly at half-staff. Most often, this is done to mark the death of a government official, military member, or first responder; in honor of Memorial Day or other national day of remembrance; or following a national tragedy."
Still to this day, whenever I see a flag at half staff, I immediately get a bad feeling because it means something sad has happened. At the time, if I'm not sure why it is, I do research to figure out the reason.
Have you noticed, the flags in Illinois have been that way for a while? Of course, there's a very important reason for it.
According to nbcchicago.com,
"In April, Pritzker directed all flags be lowered at half-staff to honor those who lost their lives to COVID-19. During his daily briefing Monday, the governor said flags will remain at half-staff until the pandemic is over."
I think this is a good thing our state is doing it for remembrance.
Video: Interview with Miles Nielsen
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