5 Unusual Official State Symbols That Make Illinois Truly Unique
Most people know that Illinois is known as the Land Of Lincoln, but did you know Illinois has an official pet, an official fossil, and even official dirt?
Things Illinois Is Most Well Known For
Illinois is known for a lot of things, some good, some bad.
Yes, the taxes are high here and we've had our fair share of famously crooked politicians.
Yes, the third largest city in America is in Illinois. (It's Chicago just in case you were wondering).
Yes, Illinois' NFL team is not the best, BUT there are a TON of great things to do and see in Illinois that make up for all of its faults.
I've lived in Illinois my entire life, and every day I still learn new things about my home state. For instance, I was today years old when I found out that Illinois has quite a few quirky official state symbols. Here are 5 that surprised me the most.
Illinois' Most Unusual State Symbols
While most of these things may seem like weird things for Illinois to make official, when you find out why, it all makes perfect sense.
Illinois State Microbe - Penicillium rubens
According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources this mold was officially named as the state's official microbe in 2021 "to honor Peoria and the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, whose scientists with the help of local residents in the 1940s discovered a method of mass-producing penicillin".
Illinois State Soil - Drummer Silty Clay Loam
The Illinois DNR says this "rich, fertile prairie soil" was declared the official soil of Illinois in 2001 and "was first identified in Ford County in 1929. It can be found in 1,500,000 acres of land in Illinois". Another cool thing about this special Illinois dirt is that it is one of the most fertile and productive soils in the entire World!
Illinois State Fossil - Tully monster
The Tully monster was a soft-bodied animal that lived over 300 million years ago, and the first fossil was discovered in 1958 by Francis Tully. Fossils of this ancient animal have only been found in Illinois, hence why it was named the official fossil of Illinois back in 1989.
Illinois State Fish - Bluegill
Obviously, Bluegill fish aren't unique to Illinois, but the fact that Illinois schoolchildren voted for it to be the state's official fish back in 1986 certainly is!
Illinois State Pet - Shelter Dogs and Cats
This is by far my favorite official state symbol of Illinois because I have two shelter dogs at home. Dogs and cats that live in or were rescued from Illinois animal shelters were named the official pets of Illinois back in 2017.
Here are some more fun things you might not know about Illinois...
13 Stupid Illinois Laws
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Gallery Credit: Steve Shannon
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