Two Brothers Put an End to a Food Desert in Freeport
Two brothers are hoping to make a big difference in Freeport but putting an end to a food desert in a section of the community with their small grocery store.
WIFR that the Ryan brothers set up a small grocery store on the city's north east side to help the community have fresh fruits, vegetables and meats within their neighbor without having to travel over five miles or more to get the same things for their families.
Now five miles might not sound like much, but if you have no vehicle or a means of transportation it is a long ways.
The Ryan's set up a small grocery store named Lucy Deen's Parkside Grocery ( after their paternal and maternal Grandparents) at 718 E. Stephenson Street.
They are one of three businesses on the street and are hoping with their store that it will encourage more growth in the northeast neighborhood for more businesses. They want to stop the food desert which they are with their grocery and they want to stop the blight of empty buildings sitting and wasting away.
Wow! I think that's great. In a way the Ryan brothers have taken the adage "You Bloom where you're planted" to the next level. They realize that in order to build a community up you, the business, needs to be in the neighborhood. It used to be that way a long time ago. All towns had the corner grocery store. Then came the era of big box stores and building on the open areas out of town. Eventually the town grew up and around that store leaving the Mom and Pop places in the dust.
Now with stores like Lucy Deen's it's coming full circle. Good job and huge thanks to the Ryan's for the heart and love for the community and Freeport their hometown. You've done a good deed for your town.
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