Here's something fun I did over the fourth of July weekend. My friends and I tubed down the Kishwaukee River.

If you've never done this, you must go at least once in your life. If you haven't gone in a while you need to go again soon.

It's so fun being with the people you love having fun talking and laughing while enjoying the gorgeous sunshine and cool water. Not to mention it's so relaxing just floating in the water letting the current push you along. Plus, it's cheap. Just the cost of a good river rafting tube. We found some for $15 dollars at Farm & Fleet.

$15 dollars for a good 4 hours on the river. Yeah you do the math. Cheap fun that's so easy to achieve.

We packed our lunch, brought our beverages for the trip, loaded them in the cooler that was in it's own tube, latched it between us, and off we went.

We started at Bauman Park in Cherry Valley and floated to Kishwaukee Springs Forest Preserve in Rockford. You know that park right where Mulford and Blackhawk Road cross over the river.

We saw ducks and heron and even discovered bone on our journey.

Tubing down the Kish
Michelle Gordon/ Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia

Now what do you suppose that's from? Hmmm.???

The view was so pretty. Take a look for yourself.

Tubing the Kish
Michelle Gordon/Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia
Tubing the Kish
Michelle Gordon/Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia
Tubing the Kish
Michelle Gordon/ Susan Tyler; Townsquaremedia

The river wasn't to bad current wise. It was swift but not scary, it wasn't too terribly deep. In fact there were some places you had to walk a bit as the river bed was low and your butt would drag and hit rocks.

Also, if and when you go please wear shoes. Whether you wear water shoes/ Aqua Socks or old tennis shoes, you will need them to cover your feet because of the rocks. Sorry no tanning of your toes and feet on this trip.

I can't wait to go again.  I encourage you to make good use of our area parks, forest preserves and rivers and take a tubing trip at least once this summer.



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