Looking for ideas for places to go this summer?

Here's the 10 best states for summer road trips.

For convenience sake, is Illinois in the top 10?

Well not quite.

Our state did make the list in the upper tier but sadly not inthe top 10.

We were beaten out by Colorado, Utah, Florida, Minnesota, even Texas.

However according to WalletHub we did land in the top 20 and closer to the top 10 than friends to the North, Wisconsin, did.

Illinois found a comfy spot at number 13.

Well it's not to far off from being in the top 10.

"WalletHub's report says Illinois offers the 2nd best number of nightlife options in the nation, per capita, and ranked the state's driving laws as #7th.

The report [also] found [that] Illinois had the 11th best lowest price for camping, the 30th best in the nation for attractions." (MyStateline.com)

Wisconsin landed at #22. Really. I know seems weird especially with all the lakes  and the Dells to compete with.

However, if you're really looking for a great place to go see the sites then here are the top 10 states that WalletHub found to be the best for your summer road trips.

1. Wyoming

2. North Carolina

3. Minnesota

4. Texas

5. Florida

6. Louisiana

7. Washington

8. New York

9. Utah

10. Colorado

The worst place to take a road trip was Rhode Island which came in last at #50.

To see the complete list and there rankings click here.




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