Wear your boots if they fit, drink whiskey in your water, and get ready to shake your honkytonk badonkadonk. Real life is happening at Old Settlers Days in June and you've got to be there.

The most anticipated state-line concert weekend is happening June 15-18 and it's going to be crazy fun. Bring out your dad, family, and friends can come party. It's also a certain person's birthday weekend, but I won't mention names.

The  lineup for Old Settlers Days is out and it's a stellar four days of country music.

Thursday, June 15

Tyler Farr and Walker McGuire

Friday, June 16 - Q98.5 NIGHT

Granger Smith featuring Earl Dibbles Jr., The Cadillac Three, and Kassi Ashton

Saturday, June 17

Jake Owen and Jackie Lee

Sunday, June 18 - Q98.5 NIGHT

Trace Adkins and Smithfield

OSD talk around the office has been 100% all week, mainly because we get two full nights of country music fun. Killer headliners and country risers you can't miss, but who are we most excited to see? Here is our "I can't wait to see _____" list.

Shannon Zimmerman: "I can't wait see Trace Adkins!! Oh, and the backside of Jake Owen."

Mark Charvat: "Trace Adkins' put on a great show but the list is too good to just pick one. Also, I can't wait for the food."

JB Love: "I can not wait to see Granger Smith. Even more, I might fan-girl over Earl Dibbles Jr. It's going to be a great weekend for sure."

You can buy tickets starting March 31st buy clicking here. Keep you with Old Settlers Days' concert updates here.

Want free tickets and backstage passes? Q98.5 is giving them away for every show on March 30th at Fibs in Rockton from 5 p.m. -  7 p.m.. You can also buy discounted tickets that night, too.

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