The Cave in Byron is Honoring First Responders This Sunday
Two years ago this Sunday, The Cave in Byron suffered a devastating fire that completely destroyed their building. Thankfully, they emerged from the ashes, and now they want to pay it forward to those that helped them in their darkest hour two years ago.
On Thursday, The Cave announced on Facebook that they will be matching every meal sold this Sunday by delivering Cave Burgers to the brave men and women and the Byron Police and Fire Departments;
BIG NEWS! Did you know the original Cave burned to the ground two years ago this Sunday? It was a sad, sad day but we prevailed! Now we, along with all local businesses, are going through another tough time. But it's not all about us, it's about the people who helped us two years ago and the people who are still helping us today. And that is why THIS SUNDAY we are encouraging you to order curbside pick-up from The Cave because every meal that is ordered, WE WILL MATCH IT and provide FREE MEALS FOR THE FRONTLINES, including Byron Fire Department and the City of Byron - IL, 1st Ward Police Department! They rushed to our side two years ago and today they are helping us all stay safe and healthy. Please SHARE and help spread the word! The more meals purchased on Sunday, the more heroes we can feed! We will be open Sunday from 11 AM - 1:30 PM and again from 4 - 8 PM. Thank you so much for the support, today and always! #thecave #caved #feedthefrontline
If you live in the Byron area, please consider ordering Cave carryout this Sunday, and if you don't, Sunday looks like a fine day to take a drive to support another Stateline business...just saying...
Catch Lil Zim on ‘Q98.5 Mornings with Lil Zim & JB’ on Q98.5 from 6:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
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