The Best Work Snacks
Hate those mid-morning munchies? Or worse yet that three o'clock feeling.
Before you head to the vending machine for a bag of chips or a candy bar, you might might to have one these "best for you work snacks."
Although I'll admit it is easier to grab a bag or chips or crackers from the vending machine those snacks will not stick with us for long.
World Lifestyle listed eleven snacks that not only are good for us health wise, but they taste good and will stick with us longer than those cookies from the snack machine.
I couldn't believe it but my favorite was listed, guacamole and tortilla chips. Seriously, those made the list along with Kind granola bars, banana or apple slices in peanut butter, and even turkey meat rolled up in lettuce leaves. Now I could go for those. they all are tasty.
To see the complete list click here.