
4th of July Drinks
4th of July Drinks
4th of July Drinks
I wanted to share with you the tasty drink we (my niece, nephew, and I) made for our Independence Day family dinner. It's a fun patriotic red, white and blue drink.
Tasty Girls' Night In Drinks
Tasty Girls' Night In Drinks
Tasty Girls' Night In Drinks
Look at these tasty drinks! I can't wait to try some of these for my next "Girls' Night In". Typically my friends and I will have the standards: pop, iced tea, beer, wine coolers. If we want to get real fancy we'll make UV Blue with Lemonade. But now I want to make these awesome "Girls' Night In Drinks"!
Cool Your Drinks in Two Minutes
Cool Your Drinks in Two Minutes
Cool Your Drinks in Two Minutes
Don't you hate it when you want something cold to drink and realize you forgot to put any of the cans in the fridge to chill. Here's a quick cool down for your drink in two minutes. Wow! Now that's handy. Perfect for a hot day like today...