Any time you have debt hanging over you it can be difficult. Whether it's credit cards, student loans, or medical debt, the burden of it on a person can be tiresome.

Stateline Church wanted to something amazing this past Christmas but they never expected this. Stateline Church had partnered with RIP Medical Debt, a 501(c)(3) charity, that purchases medical debt and forgives it. Typically, for every $1 donated, RIP Medical Debt erases $100 worth of debt. In just six weeks, Stateline Church raised $40,000 and thought that they had erased $4 million in medical debt. That's what they thought. As it turns out, some of the debt was so old or so bad, that they were able to buy 4 times as much as they had anticipated according to WREX.

That means thousands of families from across Illinois, including Winnebago, Boone, Stephenson, and Ogle county had their medical debt erased!

Privacy laws won't allow the church to know exactly who they helped, but it's more than just the person affected. Think of the families that have had to deal with the burden of medical debt. After already dealing with whatever it is that caused them to need the medical help; then they have to deal with the bills that keep coming or the calls from debt collectors. Now these families can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their community stepped up in a big way and helped them.


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