Squirrel Hit by Car Makes Full Recovery Thanks to Illinois Woman
I didn't even know this was possible. This is the story of a squirrel in Illinois that was hit by a car and left for dead. Thanks to an Illinois woman, that animal has incredibly made a full recovery.
Sarah Richardson from Illinois is a licensed wildlife rehab specialist. When this little guy was brought to her, she named him "Hope". Here's what she said about his dire condition when she received him:
Hope was suffering from seizures, vision loss and multiple physical injuries which required constant medication and treatment. Sarah said: “When she was brought to me I could see she had significant injuries and brain trauma and she was having persistent seizures
You can see his amazing progress here.
It's obviously a gift to be able to take an animal especially one from the wild with so many injuries and bring it back to being fully functional. Not sure if there is such a thing as a squirrel whisperer, but I do believe that Sarah Richardson would qualify.