Facebook Marketplace is a great option for browsing items for sale in your area. No matter what you're looking for you can search locally or have something shipped to you. The range of items can be narrowed down from as little as one mile from you to as far as 500 miles. But, I wouldn't walk 500 miles for this doll that may bring along nightmares.


While browsing Facebook Marketplace for reasons completely unrelated to dolls, babies, or anything related, I found something that I had initiated scrolled past. I was so confused but what I had seen I had to go back and check twice. Did I just see a baby for sale? Was that for real? There is no way I saw what I think I saw.


I know you can sell almost anything online but certainly not a living breathing child. (Although every parent has secretly thought about it at least once.) After flipping through the photos for this item I needed answers. Admittedly, I felt kind of bad after searching for why people are buying these seemingly overpriced dolls in general. (More on that in a moment.)

First, The Item In Question: A Silicone Baby Doll

This first photo may look cute (I'll argue that it does not.) but the others might make you cringe.

Facebook Marketplace
Facebook Marketplace

Apparently, the hair of this silicone baby, for sale in Illinois, was removed "due to it being very badly rooted." That doesn't help its creepy factor.

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Facebook Marketplace

Here's a closest of the silicone baby's face.

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Facebook Marketplace

I'm trying really hard to appreciate its beauty but I don't recall ever meeting a baby that has given me chills like this.

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Facebook Marketplace

I don't remember my kids have alien hands.

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Facebook Marketplace

This silicone baby has realistic everything.

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Facebook Marketplace

I'm sorry, but this baby is really weird looking. (It's ok to say it because it's not real.)

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Facebook Marketplace

After I saw this item for sale, at a hefty $500, I did some research on who would purchase something like this and why. Turns out, based on multiple articles I read, these dolls offer therapeutic purposes for many women and families. (You can read more here.)

If you want to buy this item, listed in Mt. Morris, Illinois, you'll find it here.

33 Allegedly Haunted Dolls on eBay Listed by Illinois Sellers

Ummm, can anyone explain why these toys are tethered to an abandoned motel south of Rockford???


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