Is it time to get rid of something that many people dread when it comes time for it?

Every year around March, we are always reminded that we have to turn our clocks forward as the United States observes Daylight Savings Time.

Why do we observe this? According to the website

"Daylight saving time did indeed begin in the United States during World War I, primarily to save fuel by reducing the need to use artificial lighting. Although some states and communities observed daylight saving time between the wars, it was not observed nationally again until World War II."

In fact, in 1966 the Uniform TIme Act established the true act of Daylight Savings Time and only allows a few forms of government to change any of the time zones.

Right now, there are only two states that do not observe DST. Hawaii, who has no reason to since they are all alone in the Pacific, and Arizona. To me, that is the only state that seems to know what they are doing.

My opinion is that there is no reason to try and save any daylight. It takes me almost a week to try and get used to the changes. Take away an hour of sleep for me and that is a bad thing.

Do you think the state of Illinois should not observe Daylight Savings Time?



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