RPS 205 Rolling Out New ‘Distance Learning’ Website
When Governor Pritzker issued the order for all schools to close in Illinois until April 8th due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Rockford Public Schools had no real e-learning plan in place, but that all begins changing today.
WIFR reports that RPS 205 is launching a new "Distance Learning" website today that will soon have access to five-day lesson plans from students' teachers.
RPS Board President Ken Scrivano told WIFR;
the website will give students and parents access to five days worth of learning. Students will be able to click on the school they attend, their grade and their teacher to get the access to their lesson plans.
The website is set to launch sometime today, but the five-day lesson plans will not be ready until early April according to WIFR.
RPS 205 will be looking for input from parents in the next few days as they continue to develop this distance learning website, so keep a close eye on your phone...
The moral of this story is; parents who are about to lose it over homeschooling their children, don't worry, help is on the way!
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