Rockford’s Sinnissippi Golf Course Could Be Permanently Closed
It's no secret that the Rockford Park District is facing a $1.2 million dollar deficit as they head into 2020.
In 2018 the Park District held community feedback sessions to find out what people wanted most from the RPD, and parks, playgrounds, youth programs, trails and art and cultural programming all topped the list.
WREX says Executive Director of the Rockford Park District Jay Sandine said the feedback sessions also revealed that people want to see less money going to golf courses, comes the bad part.
According to WREX, the Rockford Park District Board of Commissioners is considering recommendations that will help bring the deficit down in 2020, and these recommendations include permanently closing Sinnissippi Golf Course, and suspension of operations at Alpine Pool and Snow Park at Alpine Hills for a year.
None of these options are a done deal yet, but the RPD Board is expected to unveil their final decision at the board meeting on November 13th.
If you have strong opinions against these closing recommendations, the time is now to make your voice heard by the Rockford Park District Board of Commissioners. Get contact information at