Rockford Youth Charity Gets Financial Boost
Some much needed money has been gifted to a Rockford charity. Check out how it will impact our children in Rockford.
Rock House Kids is a great organization located on 7th Street in Rockford. RHK is available for children ages 6-18 years old. Their Facebook page says it best,
Reaching at risk children, sharing God's love, feeding the hungry, and providing a safe, nurturing refuge.
The organization received a grant to so they can continue their good deeds, including keeping kids off the streets.
According to WREX, the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois awarded Rock House Kids a $40,000 grant.
The money is going toward its kid friendly food bag program.
Rock House Kids says 250 children get to take home food every week. Without those meals, the group says kids may go hungry.
This is another great step forward in the pursuit to make Rockford a better community.