A Rockford man came up with and now designs clothes for amputees like himself.

This goes down as a person who refuses to let their tragedy define them, but they used it to inspire and encourage others.

This is something thankfully I haven't had to think about, but what happens when you or a loved has a limb amputated?

I mean where do you go for clothes to fit over your prosthetics?

WIFR shares that Troy Malone of Rockford, understood this and came up with a clothing line to help others.

Troy suffered an accident in October 2014 that caused him to lose his left leg below the knee. Troy didn't let that keep him down.

He's still as active as he was before the accident. "He rides his motorcycle, plays music, mentors other amputees in the area and is [now] developing a clothing line."

Troy said that “We want to make the clothing for everyone but user-friendly for the amputees.”

He got the idea for the clothes because "he wanted to wear two prosthetics on his wedding day: one for the ceremony and one for the reception."

Troy told WIFR that “I didn't want to be taking my pants down in front of everyone just to change my prosthetic so I had some pants designed for me with a zipper in the pants leg so I could access my leg a lot easier.”  It was those special zippered pant legs that he says “gave me a good idea to do all of my clothes like that so I wouldn't have to wear sweatpants every day.”

Thus began "Ampuwear Clothing Company" Troy started up with a friend.

"Right now the line just has t-shirts, but by the end of the year, [he] hopes to see jeans fitted with zippers and eventually a full line with both active wear and dress wear for men and women. He’ll travel to New York next month to officially launch the project."

To see the t-shirts and learn more about Troy's Ampuwear Clothing, click here.

Wow! I think that is so awesome. He turned his tragedy into to triuph and he wants to continue to uplift others with his clothes and his message of "Live to Win... Bring Out The Winner In You!"

Thank you Troy for being a light in what could be a a very dark place in another's life.

To see the full interview watch the video below:



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