All Rockford area Dunkin Donuts just made our mornings with these new tasty drinks!

They've combined their fabulous coffee with our favorite Girl Scout Cookies.

Yes , we can now drink Thin mints in a cup. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

ABC7 Chicago reports that starting today, Dunkin Donuts is brewing up the delicious flavors of Thin Mint, Coconut Caramel, and Peanut Butter Cookie.


To see all the fabulous drink combos you can get with these flavors, click here.

Can you image drinking a cup of Thin Mint coffee while munching on a Thin Mint or two. Oh Man, my mouth is watering just thinking about.

That will be a chocolate mint heaven in your mouth.

I can't wait to get over  to Edgebrook's Dunkin and try these.

Face it. We know Rockford runs on Dunkin Donuts, judging by the coffee spots around town. Now our running just got a little more sweeter with these awesome drink flavors.


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