People Are Losing It Over Mountain Lion Sighting Near Rockford
Someone might have spotted a "mountain lion" an hour outside of Rockford and now people are in full-on panic mode. The woman that thinks she saw a cougar reported it to Illinois Department of Natural Resources, according to CBS Chicago, and it turns out there have been several reports of possible "mountain lion" sightings.
Here's where the panic kicks in. Another Streamwood residents saw "a large catlike animal move across their yard and climb a tree" and with a busy bike path through the village, there's concern over cougar encounters. (Yes, I'm still referring to the mountain lion.) One woman told CBS Chicago she's worried for her pet's safety.
“I won’t let my dog off its leash. I’m going to keep him by my side. I know they can attack small dogs. I just want to keep him safe.”
She has legit reasons to be concerned. An animal expert told CBS2 cougars (or mountain lions) eat small animals like raccoons, rabbits, or pets for snacks. And, before questioning these sightings, a cougar was killed by law enforcement officer in another suburban Chicago neighborhood.
Could mountain lions make their way toward Rockford? It's possible.