New Toy Story Diapers Have One Mom Very (Hilariously) Concerned
In my home, we are officially one week into our potty-training journey with our youngest daughter Harper. She's pretty much got the #1 thing mastered, and we had our first #2 in the potty yesterday so life is good. I know you're wondering why I am sharing this information with you right now, and it's because I came across something this morning that I think any parent who has potty-trained a child will think is just as hilarious I do.
Before I share this post that Mom Life Uncensored shared on Facebook, I must fill you in on something else. Huggies' Pull-Ups currently feature New 'Toy Story' designs and my daughter LOVES to put on her "Jessie underwear". After reading this I'm thanking my lucky stars that she's currently obsessed with her "Jessie" and not her "Woody". LOL!!
I'm not sure if the Toy Story Pull-Ups for boys currently feature some Buzz on the front designs as well, but I'm willing to bet they will be soon! LOL!
Thank you, Emilee Webber for sharing that note to Huggies. The laugh sure has made me feel better about having to clean up pee all the time.