Make An Offer And You Can Own A Legendary Bar In DeKalb
You could become the owner of a legendary bar in DeKalb by making an offer.
I had some friends that went to N.I.U., so I went to visit them a few times. When we went out to party, the hot spot was Fatty's. Ask any Huskie alumni, they'll you the place they hung out during college was Fatty's. To this day, if you go down there for a game or event, the place to pre-game and post-game is Fatty's.
I know there's quite a bit of people from Rockford that attended Northern. Maybe their dream to own a bar. Even better, one that was a favorite hang out. Plus, it has legendary status around campus. You can now own Fatty's.
According to,
"Fatty's Pub & Grille is for sale, according to an online listing, but the owner said they're not closing or really looking to sell. rather just feeling out the real estate market as they reevaluate family priorities. We're not in the mood to sell," said Jeff Dobie, one of the owners of Fatty's, who said the business has been listed for over a year. "We're just dipping our toe in the water. I've been doing this for 20 years, love what I'm doing, and I could do it for another 20. But you're always curious."
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