Janesville’s Rock Aqua Jays Set A World Record Over the Weekend
Janesville's Aqua Jays Water Ski Show Team have been working toward a BIG goal for a year now; to break the Guiness World Record for the largest human water ski pyramind, and they officially did it on Saturday!
According to the GazetteXtra, the Aqua Jays had to enlist help from two different water ski show teams to have enough people to build their 80 person water ski pyramid.
It took 4 hours and 6 different tries, but eventually 80 skiers got the massive pyramid up. Kevin Ostermeier, spokesman for the Rock Aqua Jays, told the GazetteXtra;
Technically, the team broke the record twice, Ostermeier said; first with a completed pyramid of 70 people, enough to break the record, and then again again with 10 more people.
To break the record, the team needed to hold the pyramid for 200 meters, Ostermeier said. The team held on for about 350 meters, significantly exceeding the minimum.
They are now waiting for official approval from Guiness World Records, which should take about two weeks.
Just check out this video a fan named Laurie Menz posted on Facebook to see what a truly incredible feat was just accomplished by the Rock Aqua Jays...
Huge congratulations to everyone that was a part of making this world record feat happen, I am totally in awe and know it was not easy to do!
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