Small Town in Illinois Crowned Pumpkin Capital of the World
As soon as October starts people go crazy looking for the perfect pumpkin. You might want to look at visiting Morton, Illinois because it's the Pumpkin Capital of the World.

Since 1978 when the former Illinois governor named Morton the Pumpkin Capital people from all over come to visit the small town every year. Especially during the giant Pumpkin Festival which brings in close to 75,000 people to the town. So why Morton? The Nestle/Libby's Plant which is located in Morton produced 82% of the canned pumpkin in the world. So, when you buy that canned pumpkin in the store most likely it has come from Morton, Illinois.
@insideillinois The 2022 Pumpkin Festival (Sept 14-Sept 17) ends today! #insideillinois #exploreillinois #illinois #illinoischeck #thingstodoinillinois #morton #mortonillinois #pumpkin #pumpkinseason #pumpkinspice #pumpkincapitaloftheworld ♬ As It Was - Harry Styles
The plant opened in the 1920s but didn't start canning pumpkins until the 1970s according to peoria.org. I have personally used the Nestle/Libby's canned pumpkin to make pie and my pumpkin bars and they always turn as delicious. It's because of their famous title several TV networks have visited the town to share with their views.
In 1987 the Festival was mentioned on ABC's Good Morning America. The Food Network featured the Festival on March 9, 2003 in "All American Festivals: Morton Pumpkin Festival."
I really would love to go see this for myself and maybe even try to go to the pumpkin festival (which has already taken place this year). You never know you might find that perfect pumpkin or two.
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