Girl Scout Cookies Are More Than A Treat
It's that time of year. Time for the annual Rock River Valley Council of Girl Scouts to sell those magically treats, cookies. Where are cookies on sale, when are they delivered, and what do Girl Scouts learn from selling cookies every year? Find out more here.
No matter what cookie is your favorite, Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Peanut Butter, Shortbread or any of the other treats, it's hard to resist eating the whole box. My order arrived and I learned the valuable lesson of "eat in moderation". It's easy to devour an entire box in one sitting.
When are the Rock River Valley Council of Girl Scouts selling cookies?
Initial Girl Order Taking – January 8-January 29
Delivery of Cookies to Troops – February 16-20
National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend – February 26-28
Booth Sales – February 26-March 20
If you are interested in purchasing Girl Scout Cookies but you don't know a Girl Scout, please email or call 847-741-5521, ext. 7250.
According to the Girl Scouts, when girls participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, they learn these essential 5 Skills:
Goal Setting – Girls set cookie sales goals and create a plan to reach it.
Decision Making – Girls develop a basic business plan for cookie sales. While doing this they further their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Money Management – Girls develop a budget, take cookie orders, handle customers’ money, and gain valuable, practical life skills.
People Skills – Girls learn how to talk to, listen to, and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies.
Business Ethics – Girls are honest and responsible during every step of cookie sales. Their business ethics here reinforce the positive values they are developing as a Girl Scout.
I never thought of the entire reason and process before. I have always just eat the cookies and hunt for a glass of milk.
Happy cookie eating.