Fun Ways To Bet On The Super Bowl With Friends
When it comes to Super Bowl parties, most people enjoy the food, commercials, and the game is sometimes an afterthought if you don't have a rooting interest.
I've learned that even a small wager can make it more fun. From betting $1 on a game with family to getting involved in the office pool, there are a lot of ways to have some fun with it. These are the two ways I like to spice up the big game around the office or at a house party.
Super Bowl Squares - This one is easy and takes absolutely no skill or knowledge of the game. Simply get a 10x10 square grid, have people purchase a square for a set amount, put name in said square, once all squares are filled, flip cards (Ace-10) to determine position or numbers along the top and side axis, flip a coin to find out which team goes on top and which goes on the side, and then let the game unfold.
After each quarter simply check the grid to see who has the score and they win based on the last number in the score. For instance, if the score is 24-21 at the end of the 3rd quarter and the Chiefs are winning, simply see who has 4 for Kansas City and match it to the 1 for San Francisco and that person wins the payout for that quarter. figuring out payouts is determined by how much you charge per square. For instance if you did a dollar per square, you'd have $100 total. Could pay out 1st Quarter Score - $10, 2nd Quarter Score - $20, 3rd Quarter Score - $30, and Final Score - $40. Notice I said final and not 4th. If the game goes to overtime, you want to make sure you have some money to pay that person.
Here's a free template you can use for the Squares Game.
My other favorite game does take a little more knowledge of the game but they are fun: prop bets. I usually do $1 per sheet and whoever has the most correct answers wins the entire pot. Nice way to turn $1 into lunch and, again, if you have no rooting interest, you'll find yourself rooting for the props to pay off.
Here's the one we are using around the office and at home for Prop Bets.