Freeport Group Is Trying To Save The Oakdale Tabernacle
The Freeport Park District announced earlier this month it would be accepting bids for the demolition of the Oakdale Tabernacle on February 4th. A group named "Save the Tabernacle" now has 5 days to change their mind.
Freeport Dark District Commissioner, Ken Collin, said the restoration would exceed $1.3 million, but the Save the Tabernacle group says their study doesn't even come close to that amount. They claim it would only be $147,000 to replace the roof and fix some of the wood that's rotted and fix some footings according to WREX.
Collins said they would need a minimum of $310,000 if they plan on doing the work on Freeport property and then would still have to come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars to completely fix it up.
Save the Tabernacle says not all the repairs have to be done at once and their first priority is to save the tabernacle.
The February 4th date is when Freeport Park District Board of Commissioners will decide to accept a demolition bid or to allow the group to continue work on saving the 105 year old tabernacle.
If you would like to show your support for the Tabernacle, the park board meeting is at 6:30 on Tuesday, February 4th, the group is hoping enough public support will change the commissioners' minds. If you would like to make a donation to their cause, click here.