Becca’s Closet Giving Away Free Prom Dresses This Weekend
WREX reports that, "Becca's Closet is opening on Saturday and has more than 1,700 dresses to give away. Girls who might not be able to afford a dress this year can pick out their own prom dress—absolutely free. Some girls that attend have never worn gowns before so this gives them an opportunity to make them feel special for a school event."
This is so awesome. You can say what you want about prom but we all remember the night we went to ours. Growing up, prom is up there on the list with getting a drivers license and turning 18. It's the dance of all dances, and it's a moment that sticks with you for the rest of your days.
Becca's Closet is located inside the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd and is open Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m.