Five Things To Add To Your Resume If You DON’T Want A Job In Rockford
With another job fair in Rockford being a few weeks away, why not review the do's and don'ts for your résumé.
According to, 97% of hiring managers probably won't hire you if they found a lie on your résumé. With that said, let's take a look at some the lies that would most likely keep you unemployed or stuck at the job you hate.
- Lie about your skills and include programs or software you've never actually used.
- Add a degree to your résumé even though you never earned or may not even be able to pronounce.
- Skip out on of your criminal history because "everyone deserves a second chance"... or third... or fourth...
On a serious note, Talent Inc. has great tips to help you achieve success in your work life. You can find them here.