It's no secret that it costs a lot to go to a professional sporting event, but is there this much disparity within the limits of one city?

Maybe. It's complicated.

It's All-Star week for Major League Baseball, notoriously one of the slowest times in the sports media world. With nothing else really going on, sport media outlets look to engage their followers in any way possible.

One of those ways is to release a ridiculous infographic, have it go viral to sports fans that have nothing else to consume for that week, and take in the sweet, sweet clicks that are the currency of existing online.

One of this clickbaity infographics come from the outlet, which seems to exist only to populate your news feed with questionable information.

The latest is this chart that supposedly tells you what it costs for a family of four to attend a baseball game at all 30 MLB parks.

According to that chart, it costs a family of 4 $312.85 to attend a Cubs game, but only $214.79 to watch a White Sox game on the South Side.

Obviously there are a lot of variables involved when taking a family of four out to a ballgame, but even by their "standard," some of these numbers just don't seem accurate.

For instance, they claim that a beer at Wrigley costs $10.49. The last time I was at Wrigley, all beers were at least $12. They might have lowered prices since I've been there, but that would be VERY unlike the current Cubs organization.

Photo by Nagara Oyodo on Unsplash
Photo by Nagara Oyodo on Unsplash

Another price that jumps out from this list is the price of parking. According to the list, it costs $26.61 to park at Wrigley. Anyone who has ever parked around Wrigley Field knows that just isn't true. Those private lots around the park are a MINIMUM of $30 and you better be ready to fork over about $50 if you want any semblance of easy out after the game.


Fans from all over the country are chiming in to say what's wrong with this chart, which is the intent of lists like this, engagement. I don't know if you've noticed, but people rarely comment on things they agree with or think are correct, but we LOVE calling out other people when they're wrong.

Just keep that in mind when you see this chart come across your timeline. It's a great time waster when there's nothing else in the sporting world to talk about, but do not take it too seriously.

That also goes with pretty much everything else on the internet, none of this is real life.

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