So here's the deal, you've finished dining and now you have to do your business. After finishing your 'business', it's time to flush. Easy, right? Not quite.

Users at a local Loves Park restaurant are running into a toilet flushing dilemma. How the heck do you flush this contraption? By the way, it's not an automatic flusher.

Crazy Toilet Is Freaking Out Some Rockford Restaurant Goers
Jeana Jones

Quique's Taqueria Mexican Restaurant at 8080 Forest Hills Road has the fancy toilets that is leaving a lot of it's bathroom customers with a bit of unfinished 'business' as some people have no idea how to flush

  • Where is the lever? There is none!
  • Is there a foot pedal to flush? Nope.
  • Is that a button on top? Nope, its not a button
  • Is there a sensor in front? None found

We've been told that some people have been spending some extra time the restaurant bathroom, trying to figure out how to flush.


Crazy Toilet Is Freaking Rockford Restaurant Goers
Jeana Jones

So how do you flush? Apparently the silver circle on the top of the toilet tank is sensor, and you have to wave you hand over it and it will flush. I guess the it takes some finesse to achieve the 'royal' flush.

Catch Mark Charvat on Q98.5 from 3 p.m to 7 p.m.. Follow him on Twitter, and Facebook







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