Illinois Peeps Have Had Enough of You Mispronouncing These 10 Words
I often wonder if I'm the only one that sometimes finds it hard to stay present in a conversation once the other person mispronounces a common word?
I'm not sure exactly what I was looking for when the question that started this conversation was posted on the radio station's Facebook page, but what came after was complete validation.
I'm NOT the only one.
I got the feeling that some people get really judgy when other people mess up the pronunciation of some words. I guess some of us are better at maintaining a mild level of irritation.
How does hearing these words pronounced incorrectly make you feel?
Illinois Peeps Have Had Enough of You Mispronouncing These 10 Words
This is not the place you go to check out books, "Liberry" is the fruit that kids eat right before you catch them doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Thank you, Brandi F., for submitting this one. It's always sounded off to me, too. As it turns out, "supposably" is/was an actual word. Here's what Merriam-Webster had to say about Supposably VS Supposedly.
My mom makes this mistake all the time and I always say the same thing to her, "I can't wait to travel to Eyetaly." She's been tuning me out for years, so I know I'm just wasting my breath.
Andrew G. said that "only boomers get this wrong." The 'T' comes before the 'L', in Chipotle. Do we also have to excuse anyone who was a fan of Green Bay Packers' legendary quarterback, Brett Favre? That 'letter switch' thing can be confusing.
Get rid of that 'X' It's ALL 'Ss'!
Heather G. has had enough of any word with 'wash' in it. THERE IS NO 'R' BEFORE THE 'S'! I did also like one Facebook user's comment that had heard that 'warshing' your clothes might get them cleaner.
Just no.
I'm not 'comfterble' with people deciding to just trim an entire syllable off this word.
This next word gets said so many different ways, and most are way off.
No one should be surprised by the last word on this list.
Amy M., a recent transplant to Massachussetts, shared the conversation that drives her crazy.
Me living in Boston: “I’m from Rockford, IL”
Massholes: “All the way from Illinoise huh?”I literally just pronounced it for you!
These weren't the only mispronounced words we find irritating. Check in on the Facebook post that started it all, below.