If you're looking at traveling for Thanksgiving you may want to rethink your plans if your flying out of Illinois.

Chicago's airports are the worst to travel out of.

DNAInfo Chicago printed a report from rewardexpert.com that studied 45 of the busiest U.S. airports and found that both Midway and O'Hare are the worst when it comes to flight delays for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday.

Actually they said, "during the five days before and after Thanksgiving, about 20 percent of flights are delayed at O'Hare. Midway sees about 19.6 percent of its flights delayed over the same time."

The result expect major delays at both airports, as Chicago landed at the bottom of the list for flight delays.

Now if you're thinking "great I don't want to be sitting around an airport waiting for a million years to catch my flight" there is a remedy.

That remedy is to rearrange your flights days.

According to RewardExpert found that "the best day for catching a flight at O'Hare to be Nov. 24 (the day after Thanksgiving) while the worst will be Nov. 27. Midway's best day might be Nov. 23 — Thanksgiving itself — and its worst day is also expected to be Nov. 27."

Take it from a person who has traveled home for Thanksgiving flight delays and very long security lines are inevitable. AND...Yes I was caught in a major delay leaving Chicago to head back to Chattanooga.

If I had simply rearranged my flying times, I may have avoided the stress and irritation of delays to and from Midway.



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