Chicago CTA Driver Breaks Troublemaker In Half
It's hard to figure out the back story for this caught-on-video moment but one thing is certain, that CTA driver isn't someone to mess with. The eight-second video is just long enough to make you cringe and yell, "damn!" And, yes, someone on Twitter re-dubbed the video with the perfect audio.
If I were to try to put together the story of that was happening before someone hit 'record' on their phone, the only this I can come up with is the fact that the guy on the ground should be at home. This is similar to the quote you'll hear from the CTA worker at the end of the video. After thinking about it, the guy on the ground probably wished he was home at that point. But, for real, something unruly seemed to be going down before the bystander grabbed his phone and started recording. And, I would love to tell you the person on the ground walked away unscathed but we don't know. If it were me they would need a shovel because I'd still be laying there right now. I'm not getting up from a drop like that and I know it.
If there's a lesson in the short clip you're about to watch it's to not mess with that CTA worker. Also, hire this man as a crime fighter in Chicago because... well, you'll learn why in a moment. One thing is certain, the language in this video is NSFW and not kid-friendly - you've been warned.
Here's the original video. (Warning: Language)
Here's the redubbed that old school wrestling fans will appreciate.
JB Love is ½ of Q98.5's Lil Zim & JB In The Morning, weekday mornings from 5:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram.