With the list of 2020 summer cancellations piling up every day, I'll admit I was still holding onto the hope that the Village of Cherry Valley would find a way to hold their 4th of July Fireworks display this year. Sadly, they couldn't, but in all fairness it sounds like their tried their hardest to find a way that simply doesn't exist.

WIFR reports;

The decision was made after staff review of the layout and conditions of Baumann Park and the recommendations of the Winnebago County Health Department and the Illinois Municipal League.

"The health and safety of our residents, guests, employees and contractors remain of utmost importance to the Village of Cherry Valley," Village President Jim E. Claeyssen said.

For years my family's tradition on the 4th of July is to hop in our car and pull off on a side road somewhere in Cherry Valley to watch the fireworks. My kids don't like bugs, and neither do I, so sitting in an air-conditioned, bug-free car to watch the fireworks just works for us. I know thousands of other Stateliners do the same to watch fireworks displays every year, so my question now is this...why can't staying in your car be the mandate for 4th of July this year? I understand that having thousands of cars along the streets of Rockford would cause a traffic nightmare, but giving people the option to still see fireworks seems so much better than taking them away completely. Maybe that is just me?

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