For real though, be alert! Because I almost slammed into the car in front of me when I first saw this Brontosaurus staring at me on Illinois route 120. 

So once upon a time there were real dinosaurs roaming the Earth. You knew that right?

The problem is, we weren't here to see them... why is this a problem? Because I can't tell the difference between a real dino and a fake dino!

Ok, fine, I understand it would be quite crazy if I ran into a real dinosaur driving to my brother's house, but that was my first thought as I was zooming down route 120 in Volo, Illinois this weekend.


Technically yes. There are dinosaurs on the side of the road, but I mean they are not real. In fact, they're part of a new dino experience in Volo called Jurassic Gardens.  Inside the Jurassic Gardens, there are more than 30 different animatronic dinos, plus fossils to learn more about and some super cute photo opps. 




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It's actually part of the Volo Auto Museum, which is one of the most fun places to visit with your kids in the Fox Lake area. Now that the dinos are out there, too, it's even more fun. Thought I will tell you, familiarize yourself with those dinosaurs on the side of the road, because you will do a double take when you're driving by and I don't know how happy you'll be if that causes you to get in a car accident.




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