September is here and that means the weather will start cooling down and winter is just around the corner. Not so fast! We get to enjoy the fall colors before that happens.

The estimates are out as to the best times you will be able to enjoy the beautiful outdoor fall colors. According to research done by, they estimate that most of Illinois will enjoy the color changes from late September though mid October, depending on where your are.


  • Yellow = Minimal colors
  • Tan = Partial peak
  • Orange = Near Peak
  • Red = Peak Colors
  • Brown = Past Peak

Here is the 2017 Fall Foliage schedule:

Week of Sept 24:

Fall Foliage Peak Times In Illinois graphic

Week of OCT 1:

Fall Foliage graphic

Week of Oct 8th (Peak time for most of Northern illinois graphic graphic

Start planning your times to get outdoors and take advantage of this beautiful time of the year.

Catch Mark Charvat on Q98.5 from 3 p.m to 7 p.m.. Follow him on Twitter, and Facebook

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