13 Fun Team Names for the Insane Inflatable 5k
For anyone who's not a runner, it takes a lot of convincing to get us to participate in a 5K. When someone told me I got a swag bag with a free t-shirt, medal and a hat with horns on it for the Warrior Dash, I immediately said "sign me up". Other non-runners like myself will also sign up just for the after party- music and free beer? What leg of the race am I in?
Then there's those who want to run a 5K but they don't want to do it alone; some of us need an extra push or people to help us along the way...and that's where your team comes in. The best part about teams is that you typically get dressed up in silly outfits and you get to pick a team name; which can be super fun; but also a challenge.
If you're having a hard time coming up with a team name, I've searched the web for some funny teams that you can, and I made up some of my own that you can use for the upcoming Insane Inflatable 5K in Belvidere:
1. Insane in the Brain
2. The Inflatables
3. Bounce House of Pain
4. Scrambled Legs
5. Get 'er Run
6. Beauties and the Bounce
7. The Kardasheruns
8. Not Fast, Just Furious
9. Hell on Heels
10. Run Like the Winded
11. Bouncing Betties
12. Sole Mates
13. Fairest of the Fair
If you have a team name already picked out, feel free to share what it is in the comments. Haven't signed up yet? You can do so by clicking the link below.
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