11 Things That Are True About Every Small Town In Illinois
Living in a small town in Illinois is unique, there's just something special about the sense of community and feel. Though each is different in their own ways they share commonalities. If you've never lived in a small town but are considering it this list might help you decide.
Here are 11 true things about every small town in Illinois.
Drive Around
Even though many residents commute 20+ minutes to their job, people will often go on a drive for fun. It could be the beautiful secluded scenery.
Bon Fires
This is especially common in small towns, especially if the property has enough room for a big fire.
Eat At The Same Restaurants
If the small town has at least a half dozen dining options you're likely to have a few that you frequent often. For me, I bounce between three of them on a regular basis.
More Driving
Yes, I'm mentioning this again because people in small towns love to drive.
Support Their Team
If you live in a small town you had better support high school sports, especially football. You'll find many residents wearing school/team gear.
Like it or not, everyone knows everyone whether it's direct or through someone else. Gossip is a thing in small towns.
Call/Text A Friend About...
You'll never guess but it's driving. Before going on a drive it's proper etiquette to see if someone wants to go on a ride with you.
Nearby Town
Sometimes that driving involves a trip to a nearby town that is a little bigger than yours.
THAT Couple
In every small town, there is at least one couple who shares a Facebook account. I'd love to know why because, you know, gossip.
Depending on the town's ordinances you might find UTVs and side-by-sides in every parking lot.
Friday Night Lights
Even if you don't have a connection to the team through a player, you'd better make it to Friday night football home games.
Your House
If you live in a small town long enough or make enough friends, eventually everyone will know where you live.
Is something missing from this list?
If there's a characteristic I've missed please let me know.