Your Favorite Cereal Might Contain Weed Killer
There's nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning, putting on some cartoons, and pouring yourself a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal. Except for when your cereal contains weed killer.
An environmental advocacy group says several popular breakfast foods have the main ingredient of the weed killer Roundup in them. WIFR details -
Cheerios and Nature Valley products are among the 21 foods in the Environmental Working Group’s report cited as containing trace amounts of glyphosate. There is a difference of opinion on the safety of glyphosate among oversight agencies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stated it was not a carcinogen in April, but the UN’s World Health Organization said in 2015 that the substance was “probably carcinogenic to humans.”
General Mills, which makes Cheerios, admits pesticide residue can make its way into its products. However, they do claim -
The levels are much lower than what the federal government allows. None of the levels found in any food products in the EWG report exceeded the EPA’s legal limits.
So I guess we're fine? But the thought of it all is a little too much for me. I might think twice before having cereal for breakfast.