You Might Be Breaking Illinois’ Left Lane Law And Not Know It
After being stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle casually driving the speed limit and frequently dipping below the posted MPH, I began to get frustrated. I was frustrated because I was attempting to pass and the person in the left lane had a different agenda. I said out loud, "why is this person using the passing lane for their Sunday drive?!" (Don't act like you don't talk to yourself in the car.)
Later that night while scrolling through Facebook I noticed a story about left lane laws and it quickly brought me back to those slow-moving moments from earlier in the day. I decided to see if Illinois had a law pertaining to left lane usage and, guess what, it's a real thing. According to Illinois State Police,
Left Lane Law - While traveling on an interstate highway, a vehicle may not be driven in the left lane, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle. This prohibition does not apply to authorized emergency vehicles while engaged in official duties.
And, if you're thinking police won't pull over for, think again. A trooper in Indiana pulled over someone for this on I-65. He had a good reason, too.