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If you love the 80's, this Christmas tree is for you. If you think you're really good at 80's trivia, this Christmas tree will test you like you've never been tested before. If you need a smile...this Christmas tree will do the trick.

Eva Welch is the co-founder and director of Street Angels Milwaukee Outreach, "a diverse group of advocates who all have this in common: a desire to serve our friends in need with the dignity they deserve and to eliminate homelessness in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Her bio says she's a fun instigator. One look at this tree and you know that's true.

The Totally 80's Tree came about because she was,

...self-isolating after contracting the coronavirus. She spent the time gathering mementos from her childhood and ended up creating a "totally '80s" Christmas tree." (Source)

Yes, there are 80's toys in the tree...Kirk Cameron, a ghost from Ghostbusters, and I think I saw a Cabbage Patch Kid, too. Even an 80's lunch box! But there's also a ton of photos, trinkets, and ye olde "so much more." You cannot just flip thru the pictures or skim the video. Each one has so much in it you'll be in 80's heaven!

Since she was in Rona-Tine, did she play with the toys? Oh yes.

"I was changing the Cabbage Patch Kids' clothes and staging the New Kids on the Block. I'm actually waiting on the stage to come in," Welch said. (Source)

Nostalgia has been a huge help to a lot of us during the pandemic. It doesn't just remind us of the "good old days" it brings back those feelings we felt when life was easier for us. I really believe this sort of thing is healthy and healing because it can be a super distraction, and often, that's what our brains need to rest and regain energy.

And because of all that, Eva Welch, thank you for distracting us (and for the incredible work you and your team do thru Street Angels Milwaukee Outreach)

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM

ps - The image above is from this Cabbage Patch Kid commercial.

What could be more appropriate after that tree than an even bigger jump into nostalgia? 100 years worth of toys, fads, and more!

CHECK THEM OUT: 100 years of Christmas toys, gifts and fads

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