A school district in Wisconsin has opted out of the US Department of Agriculture's free meals program for all students kindergarten through 12th grade.


Some parents who do not technically need the assistance are fine with their children using getting their free meals simply because of the taxes they pay each year. It's hard to argue against their thought process.

Credit: Creatas

A school district in Wisconsin is basically saying, "Uh uh, no way. That is not happening over here."

The Waukesha School District's reason for pulling the plug on the federal free-meal program? They don't want to spoil families, according to this news report.

... the district's board members opposed the program and said families that could afford to feed their children should do just that.

That is a fair argument for sure but what about families who do need the assistance of free meals for their student(s)?

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Credit: ThinkStock

One parent was quoted as saying this at a school board meeting before the academic year began.

I had three kids. I had them and so I'm going to feed them. I feel like that's the responsibility of the adult.

Credit: Getty Images
Credit: Getty Images

Families who do need the assistance of a free meal program aren't left to fend for themselves though.

Waukesha voted to return to the National School Lunch Program, which requires families to fill out an application to qualify for free or reduced-price school meals.

The Waukesha School District is currently the only district in the state to opt-out of this program.

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[h/t Business Insider]

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