A new holiday survey found that Wisconsin is bursting with Christmas spirit this year, while Illinois is failing quite miserably.

I expected WAY better from you, Illinois.

States With the Most Christmas Spirit

A recent survey from getcenturylink.com discovered some pretty interesting things about the level of holiday spirit in our nation these days. While I think we can all agree things aren't great worldwide right now, it appears that many of the states in America are doing better at ignoring the BS and spreading Christmas cheer than other ones are. (I'm looking at you, Illinois).

Are politics and economic conditions to blame for some states being more down in the dumps than others in America? Probably.

Are negative news and social behavior part of it too? Maybe.

Here is a map that better describes the findings of CenturyLink's latest holiday study...


See Wisconsin in the bright red with the pretty Christmas bell on it? Yeah. Our neighbors to the North ranked #2 on the list of the states with the most Christmas Spirit in 2022. So, what state beat them? New Hampshire.

While Illinois may not be in the light pink with a bag of coal covering us, we still need to up the happy factor this holiday season, or at the very least, make that our goal for Christmas 2023 so life can be a little less stressful for us all.

How Do You Rate Christmas Spirit?

To determine which states have the most Christmas spirit in America, CenturyLink looked at several different factors and trends including:

  1. Amount of Christmas-themed Google searches, especially ones using the terms "Christmas movies" and "Gingerbread Houses".
  2. Google Shopping trends for things like wrapping paper, Christmas ornaments, Elf On The Shelf, and Christmas cards.
  3. Amount of Christmas music streaming done in each state.
  4. Amount of Tweets about Christmas.
  5. Number of Christmas tree farms per capita in each state.
  6. Charitable giving amounts from last holiday season.

So, Illinois, to rank higher on 2023's "States With the Most Christmas Spirit" list, we all need to start Googling Christmas things, Tweet a lot about Christmas, stream Christmas music as often as possible, only search for things to buy that have a Christmas theme, and open more Christmas tree lots.  Sounds easy enough, right?  Please don't dissappoint us again. LOL!

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