Wisconsin Mom Proudly Honors Daughter For Being a ‘Super-Duper’ Hero
A new year is here and we are so happy that we can continue to honor amazing community members in the 815 and 608 as Hometown Heroes.
When we set out to find our first Hometown Hero of 2022, we came across this nomination letter from a super proud mom in Janesville, Wisconsin named Sandra Pack. Apparently, Sandra is blessed enough to have her very own superhero, and I think this letter she wrote to us about her daughter Savannah Jones will leave you with a big smile on your face too.
Sandra wrote;
My daughter Savannah is my super hero..As she was growing up i was her protector i never dreamed that after she grew up and graduated high school that she would join the air force to protect me (our country). I'm so blessed had super-duper proud to have raised MY VERY OWN HERO!!
P.S. today she sent me a very proud text. It read: "MOM, I PAST MY QC TEST WITH A 100%. Thank god cuz I stressed over it ALL WEEK!"
Sandra, I love that you took the time to tell us about your hero daughter, Savannah. Please pass along our extreme thanks for her courage and service, and that not only has she been chosen as the first Q98.5 Hometown Hero for 2022, but also that we are hooking her up with a $100 Amazon gift card thank to our friends at Gustafson's Furniture & Mattress.
Oh, and congratulations on passing your QC Test too, Savannah! 😊
Do you have your own superhero that you need to tell us about? Please nominate them as our next Hometown Hero, here.