United Way’s New ‘211’ Assistance Hotline Launches in Rockford
The stress and concerns of rent assistance, food, utility assistance, and childcare, could be relieved by dialing 2-1-1.
United Way is stepping up in major fashion offering answers to serious questions and support to those in need, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. It's simple, pick up your phone, dial 2-1-1, press call.
If you need assistance finding food, paying house bills, accessing free childcare, or other essential services, dial 2-1-1 to speak to someone who can help.
Maybe you're a school administrator, work for a non-profit, a business owner, or event planner - United Way has help for you too.
If you are looking for guidance about how to respond as a school administrator, non-profit or faith-based organization staff member, business owner, or event planner, the CDC has provided detailed information for different sectors here.
You can also use this number if you're feeling anxious or scared. For more on 2-1-1, check this out.
Also, if you're in a position to help financially, consider donating to United Way of Rock River directly.