Top 5 Sports Team License Plates in Illinois
Sure we love our beloved Cubbies, but not that much. If you are guessing that the Chicago Cubs ranks as the #1 most popular sports team when it comes to sports themed license plates in Illinois, then you guessed wrong.
According to a report in the Chicago Sun Times, the Cubs rank #3. Guess what sports team is #1? The winner of the 2010, 2013 and 2015 Stanley Cup tops the list.
Here is the Top 5
1. Chicago Blackhawks (22,000 registered plates)
2. Chicago White Sox (12,000 registered plates)
3. Chicago Cubs (10,000 registered plates)
4. Chicago Bulls
5. Chicago Bears
Cubs numbers have gone up, while the White Sox numbers have gone down. The 2016 World Series win, definitely helped.
Sport theme plates are available through the Illinois Secretary of State office and will cost you an additional $69.00, The cool thing is that $25.00 of each sport theme plate goes to Professional Sports Team Education Fund. The fund is dedicated to supporting Illinois public schools. The Sun times reports that sales from sport themed specialty plates have generated more than $5.8 million.