2021 is the the perfect year to ditch your old car and your old job to drive a giant nut around.
But not just any nut, the Planter's NUTmobile!
I don't know what kind of car you drive, or what kind of job you have, but I mean ... come on...
When people ask you what your skills and hobbies are, don't you wish you could just be brutally honest? Because I'm really good at sleeping, but I don't think most people would consider that a skill. However, I think I found my loophole...
One thing we all learned in 2020 is that life can change in an instant, and that means you shouldn't waste any time doing stuff you don't want to do.
How does getting paid to watch Netflix and eat pizza sound? Honestly, best way to kick off this year...
Do you love holiday movies this time of year, and maybe even in July just for fun? I think I've found your dream job. This holiday season you can get paid to watch holiday movies, which is something you're most likely already doing anyways...
If this year has taught us one thing, it's that if you want to do something, DO IT. Don't wait for next week, or next year, do it now. So if you've always dreamed of being a professional cheeseburger taster, the time is now.
A lot of 2020 may suck, but this job opportunity is amazing...
You've heard the phrase, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". That's exactly what happened at a Chicago Burger King restaurant earlier today.