
Winter Art
Winter Art
Winter Art
It has been a few years since I took a trip to St. Joseph, Michigan. So when this video came out, I was reminded how beautiful lighthouses are.
Scrape It Off
Scrape It Off
Scrape It Off
With all of the snow and ice the area received over the weekend, this is one law that many of us, who are in a hurry, might not think about.
Chicago's Igloo
Chicago's Igloo
Chicago's Igloo
Chicago is home to many great pieces art that scattered about the city in places like the Daily Plaza, Millennium Park and now a mysterious igloo that appeared downtown can be added to the list.
Scary Black Ice Semi Crash
Scary Black Ice Semi Crash
Scary Black Ice Semi Crash
This is just plain scary. Winter driving can be scary, especially if black ice is involved. Check out this video of a semi-trailer truck nearly miss another driver before crashing across lanes.