The more things change, the more things stay the same. That's actually not true of the Missouri firearms deer season as there are numerous changes to know about before heading out into the backcountry.
This is they time of year when it's more common than not to see people wearing camo in Missouri. Hunting season is upon us and this year it involves a question thanks to new technology. Can you legally use a drone to hunt wildlife in Missouri? The answer is more complicated than you probably think.
By any and every measure, this is a monster deer. Terry Drury is a name you likely know if you're a hunter and he just took down a 216-inch buck and there's video to prove the achievement.
If you're not from Missouri or Illinois, you need to understand that we do things a little differently around here. One prime example happened when some Illinois duck hunters saw a tornado nearby and decided to take selfies with it. Yes, I can prove this happened.